Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Saturday, March 17th, Redbud Festival, Vivian, LA, Noon-1pm

Thursday, March 22nd, Monsour's, 830 Fannin Street, Shreveport, LA, 6:30-8:30pm

Saturday, March 24th, Provenance Place private party, 5:30-8:00pm

Saturday, March 24th, Noble Savage Tavern, 417 Texas Street, Shreveport, Louisiana 10pm- 1am

Thursday, March 29th, Monsour's, 830 Fannin Street, Shreveport, LA, 6:30-8:30pm

Saturday, April 14th, Crows Nest, 1738 E. Texas, Bossier City, LA, 8pm-midnight

Tuesday, April 17th, Hamilton South Caddo Resource Center, 2111 Bert Kouns, Shreveport, LA, 6-8pm 

Saturday, May 12th, Bistro Byronz, 6104 Line Avenue, Shreveport, LA, 8-10pm

Sunday, May 20th, The Highland Experience, Location and Time TBA

Sunday, May 20th, Sister Margaret Music Festival, outside 516 Texas Street, Shreveport, LA, Time TBA 

Saturday, May 26th, Noble Savage Tavern, 417 Texas Street, Shreveport, Louisiana 10pm-1am

Saturday, June 2, Crows Nest, 1738 E. Texas, Bossier City, LA, 9pm to midnight 

Friday, June 15, Bistro Byronz, 6104 Line Avenue, Shreveport, LA, 7:30-9:30pm

Saturday, July 14, Bistro Byronz, 6104 Line Avenue, Shreveport, LA, 7:30-9:30pm

Monday, February 6, 2012

BEATLES-A-RAMA= Airheart's 1st International Airplay!!

A song from our upcoming album, "Airheart" is currently airing on Beatles-A-Rama and aired for the 1st time TODAY!!
From Program Director, Pat Matthews:
"Hope you enjoyed the song! It'll start playing "in the mix" on Wednesday! It's a GREAT version of a great song! My pleasure adding to our rotation!"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Airheart performs at Monsour's on Thursdays!!

Each Thursday night, from 6:30 to 8:30pm, join Airheart at Monsour's, 830 Fannin Street, next door to Millennium Film Studios, for some of the BEST in food, libation, and now MUSIC! 
Monsour's Restaurant is open to all ages and is a smoke free establishment.
We can hardly wait to see you there! Join us, please...


Saturday, February 4th, Bistro Byronz, 6104 Line Ave., Shreveport, LA 8-10pm

Thursday, February 9th, Monsour's, 830 Fannin Street, Shreveport, LA 6:30-8:30pm

Thursday, February 16th, Monsour's, 830 Fannin Street, Shreveport, LA 6:30-8:30pm

Friday, February 17th, Bistro Byronz, 6104 Line Ave., Shreveport, LA 8-10pm

Saturday, February 18th, Crows Nest, 1738 E. Texas, Bossier City, LA 8pm to midnight

Thursday, February 23rd, Monsour's, 830 Fannin Street, Shreveport, LA 6:30-8:30pm

Thursday, March 1st, Monsour's, 830 Fannin Street, Shreveport, LA 6:30-8:30pm 

Saturday, March 3rd, Noble Savage Tavern, 417 Texas Street, Shreveport, LA 10pm-1am

Saturday, March 10th, Crows Nest, 1738 E. Texas, Bossier City, LA 8pm to midnight 

Saturday, March 17th, Redbud Festival, Vivian, LA, Noon-1pm

Saturday, March 24th, Noble Savage Tavern, 417 Texas Street, Shreveport, Louisiana 10pm- 1am

Saturday, May 26th, Noble Savage Tavern, 417 Texas Street, Shreveport, Louisiana 10pm-1am

Airheart at Louisiana Hayride, Strand

Airheart House Concert

Airheart House Concert